Fulshear Municipal Utility District No. 1


To request a tax statement or pay a property tax bill, visit:

Bob Leared Interest

For information or questions about
Water and Sewer Utilities,
as well as
Solid Waste and Recycling Services, refer to

City of Fulshear -
Public Utilities

For information on how to contact the District for TPIA, go to:

contact for
Texas Public Information Act requests.



For a larger map,
go to "Discover" on this interactive map

Fulshear Municipal Utility District No. 1 of Fort Bend County (the "District") is a municipal utility district created in 2007 by the Texas Legislature. The District contains approximately 671 acres of land and is located in Fort Bend County approximately 30 miles west of downtown Houston. The District is located wholly within the corporate boundaries of the City of Fulshear.

The District is constructing water, sanitary sewer, drainage, road and parks & recreational facilities to serve Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek, a master-planned community.

Notice to
Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek Residents:

It has come to the District's attention that there may be some confusion regarding allowable uses of District property adjacent to residential lots, particularly the property located behind residential lots along Fulshear Creek. The purpose of this notice is to provide clarification to residents, and homebuilders, within the District regarding such property owned by the District.

Any property located outside of a homeowner's property line, and owned by the District, should not be cleared, landscaped, or otherwise improved or utilized for any such use without specific authorization from the District. One of the most important functions of the District is to provide drainage facilities and services within its boundaries. As such, it is important that the drainage channel, known as Fulshear Creek, and the area adjacent to Fulshear Creek remain free of debris or improvements of any kind (for example, gardens, benches, sheds, etc.) in order to provide appropriate and necessary drainage to the subdivision. Residents are encouraged to contact the District to report any illegal dumping, including dumping of construction debris, or any unauthorized use of property located behind residential lots along Fulshear Creek. Additionally, in order to prevent erosion to the area behind residential lots along Fulshear Creek, clearing along property adjacent to Fulshear Creek is prohibited.

Additionally, trees located on District property, including trees along Fulshear Creek, are owned and maintained by the District. However, any tree limbs or branches hanging over a resident's fence, or otherwise encroaching on a resident's property, may be trimmed or removed by the resident up to the point of such resident's property line or fence. Residents are encouraged to contact the District with any concerns about trees on District property that appear to be dead or diseased, or otherwise display characteristics that present a possible danger of falling on its own or if exposed to naturally occurring external force. The District has implemented procedures to address any such issues in a timely manner.

The policies and procedures for a request for right of entry onto District property can be found here.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Please read this disclaimer.

    Fulshear Municipal Utility District 1  •  serving the master-planned community of Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek  •  Fulshear, Texas